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Join Us in South Africa

We’re at the ASSITEJ World Congress

Cristina Cazzola, Artistic Director of Segni d’infanzia, is leaving for Cape Town, South Africa, for the 19th ASSITEJ World Congress and Performing Arts Festival for Children and Young People.

She will be speaking on Sunday 21st May at ‘Vrygrond Cultural Hub’ during the Focus Day which runs from 9:30am until 1pm. Through a theoretical and practical workshop, she will share with delegates the ongoing research that is taking place in the Theatre European Engagement Network project.

Theatre European Engagement Network (TEEN) is a Creative Europe collaborative research project that aims to engage Teenagers in the Theatre and to create a European network that discusses and disseminates the latest research and the best practices in Performing Arts for Teenagers.

The Project Partners are: Segni d´Infanzia Associazione (Italy), Scenekunstbruket (Norway), Teatercentrum (Denmark)and Center of Theatre Studies in the University of Lisbon (Portugal).

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