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Reminder: We’re off to the ASSITEJ Artistic Gathering 2019

Join Us in Kristiansand

We’ll be in Kristiansand on 3rd and 4th September 2019! Two events being hosted by the Teenage Ambassadors Across Europe project are open to all delegates of the ASSITEJ Artistic Gathering. These will both take place as part of the programme at the Artistic Gathering’s ‘Nordic Venue’.

– 3rd September 9 am: TEEN Kitchen Table Meeting, a discussion moderated and lead by Teenage Ambassadors that will explore what it means for Teenage audiences to Confront the Unknown when they attend the Theatre.

– 4th September 12 noon: Co-Programming workshop, a work-in-progress methodology that aims to establish consensus between Teenagers, programmers, and schoolteachers in order to co-programme performances and festivals for Teenage audiences.

Come and join us! Teenage Ambassadors Across Europe is co-funded by the Creative Europe Programme of the European Union. The Project Partners are Segni d’infanzia (Italy), Teatercentrum in Denmark, Scenekunstbruk (Norway), Cultuurcentrum Hasselt (Belgium), “la Caixa” Foundation (Spain), and Dialogue – The Community Performance Network (United Kingdom).

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